Get More Clients, Heal Deeper, and Grow Your Practice - All in Just 2 Monthly Sessions.

WHAT is it?

A monthly group membership for holistic entrepreneurs, practitioners, and coaches who want to break through the limits of their healing journey.


This isn’t about fixing what’s “broken”—it’s about healing in a community that supports growth and expansion.
Here, we’re all about progress, not perfection. You’ll heal out loud and level up in ways that will make you more aligned and magnetic to your clients.


🔥 Fire Sale Price 🔥

Join now for only $44/month before the price goes up on September 19th.

What the heck is a fire sale?

It's a fun way to reward action-takers. Where the lowest price is available on day 1 and slowly goes up to the regular price by the end to of the promotional period.


This is your chance to lock in the lowest price and experience massive shifts with minimal investment.


Lock in $44/month – Sign me up!

WHO is it for?

  • If you’re a holistic entrepreneur, practitioner, or coach who believes you have to go the way to show the way, this membership is for you.
  • You’ve tried meditation, sound healing, and self-help books, but you want lasting results that stick.
  • You’ve been curious about SIT sessions but felt that 1:1 sessions were out of your budget—now, with this membership, you can experience all the benefits at a fraction of the cost.


Limited Time Price

The price increases to  $49/month by the 19th.

Get in now while it’s just $44/month!
(Regular $55/month after this launch ends)
I’m Ready for Deep Results!

WHY do I need this?

  • You’ve done the deep work and life is busy. You want something quick, effective, and easy to integrate into your day so you can maintain your growth.
  • That’s where SIT comes in. This membership keeps you moving forward without breaking the bank or eating up your time. Plus, you’ll be surrounded by a supportive community of like-minded people, and you’ll have access to tools that actually work.
  • And hey, if you’re tired of “guru” approaches that promise too much and deliver too little, you’ll love SIT. We clear out the programming so you can lean into your own knowing and trust yourself more deeply.
  • Normally, 1:1 SIT sessions can cost hundreds of dollars, but with this membership, you’re getting two live group sessions a month, access to recordings, clearing loops you can keep forever, and constant community support—all for as low as $44/month if you join now. That’s less than the cost of a single private session.
Secure Your Discounted Spot!

HOW is it happening?

  • We’ll meet twice a month via Zoom for powerful group healing sessions.
  • Even if you can’t join live, you’ll have lifetime access to all the recordings.
  • You’ll also get beautifully produced clearing loop meditations that you can download and keep forever.
  • Plus, you’ll be part of an exclusive group Telegram chat, so you can stay connected and supported between calls. 



  • SIT stands for Subconscious Imprinting Technique—a trauma-informed healing method that helps uncover and clear the subconscious blocks holding you back. These sessions target the root causes of emotional, physical, and mental patterns, leading to real, lasting change. 


What’s a Clearing Loop?

  • A clearing loop is like a guided meditation on steroids. It helps you release subconscious patterns by listening to specific audio designed to shift deep-seated beliefs and emotions. Think of it as a quick yet powerful tool to break through inner limitations—perfect for busy people like you.


Join Now & Lock in Your $44/month Rate!

WHEN is it happening?

  • The first call is on September 19th at 3PM MST (2PM PST). 
  • The next call will be October 3rd at 10AM MST (9AM PST)! 
  • Alternating after that every 2nd week between Thursday & Tuesday
  • Dates & Calendar will be provided inside the member's area



Q: How long are the calls?
A: Each call is about 90 minutes long, packed with healing and insights.

Q: What if I can’t make the live calls?
A: No worries! Active members have lifetime access to the recordings, so you can watch at your convenience.

Q: Are group SIT sessions as good as 1:1 sessions?
A: Yes! Some members even claim it's even MORE powerful because of the collective energy & consciousness.

Q: If I lock in the lower price does it change later?
A: Nope. If you're a super action taker and manage to snag the lowest $44/month price, you'll be grandfathered into that rate!


Q: What if I don’t like it?
A: I'm confident you’ll love it, but if it’s not for you, can cancel anytime - no hard feelings.

Q: Why should I join now?
A: The price is only $44/month right now and will go up after Midnight on September 18th (and each day after). Lock in your low rate before it increases to the regular $55/month on September 23rd.